Marcus Traut

Lawyer, Accredited Specialist in Criminal Law

Special Areas of Expertise

  • Commercial Criminal Law
  • Tax Criminal Law
  • Anti-Corruption Criminal Law
  • Medical Criminal Law
  • Criminal Law Appeals on Points of Law


Marcus Traut specialises in commercial criminal law, tax criminal law, anti-corruption criminal law, medical criminal law and appeal proceedings.

After having finished his studies of law at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, he completed his practical legal training within the district of the Regional Court Wiesbaden. Since his admission as a lawyer, he has exclusively practiced in the field of criminal law has extensive experience as a criminal defence lawyer. In 1999, the Board of the Chamber of Lawyers Frankfurt am Main granted him the right to use the title “Accredited Specialist for Criminal Law” based on his particular theoretic and practical qualifications.

He is a member of the Criminal Law Section of the German Bar Association, the Association of German Defence Lawyers e.V., the Commercial Criminal Law Association e.V., the Medical Law Section of the German Bar Association, and of the Association of Hessian Defence Lawyers e.V. Marcus Traut is a member of the advisory committee of the Compliance Elliance Journal (CEJ) and additionally acts as a lecturer within the scope of accredited specialist training. He is a permanent member of the legislative committee of the Deutsche Strafverteidiger e. V. (German Criminal Defence Association).



2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Handelsblatt – Best Lawyers: „Deutschlands beste Anwälte“ / „Best Lawyers in Germany
Category: Criminal Defense

More information

2015, 2016, 2018, 2019

„Deutschlands Top-Anwälte“ / „Germany’s Top-Lawyers”


He was founding member and partner in one of the leading law firms in commercial criminal law, which in 2003/2004 and 2008/2009 was awarded the prize of “Law Firm of the Year” in the category of commercial criminal law in the JUVE Handbook, published by the publishing house for legal information (Verlag für Juristische Informationen).



Marcus Traut
Unermüdlicher Kampf für Beschuldigtenrechte – Weiter so –
in: Schoop/Waider Strafverteidigung im Wandel der Zeit
50 Jahre Deutsche Strafverteidiger e.V.

Alicia Althaus; Marcus Traut
Rechtsstaatswidrige Einleitung von strafrechtlichen Ermittlungsverfahren: Verwertungsverbote und Verfahrenshindernisse
Althaus/Traut StV-S 2024, 46 ff.

Marcus Traut; Dr. Christoph Nickolaus
Audiovisuelle Dokumentation der Hauptverhandlung – Die Zeit ist reif
Traut/Nickolaus StraFo 2022, 55 ff.

All publications